
2022 Global Talent Trends

How effective are organizations in their actions? What are the talent trends that companies have to adapt to have leads in 2022?


6 Key Hiring Trends for 2022

Hiring trends are an important part of organizational success. Trends are the changes in the way organizations hire, engage and develop talent.


How Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Transforms Your Workplace?

Unlock the full potential of your workplace with the transformative power of diversity, equity, and inclusion. A diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace drives progress and creates a plethora of growth opportunities. In recent years businesses have begun to recognize the value of creating a welcoming work environment.


How do you use AI to spot behaviors of an employee who wants to leave?

Consider what the company loses when a valuable employee leaves: innovative product ideas, outstanding project management, and client relationships, to name a few. With advancements in Artificial Intelligence, it is now possible to not only predict but also understand the main factors that affect employee attrition.


How to Engage and Recruit Passive Candidates?

In today’s hyper-competitive business landscape, waiting for the right candidate to match the company’s requirements might not be a good option. The recruiters must be proactive in their approach and reach out to potential talent who are comfortable in their current jobs.


How To Identify Passionate Talent?

Every organization is always on the lookout for the passionate talents who will deliver best practices and attain growth. And that’s why organizations put in their best efforts in talent recruitment to get the best minds to work with.